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Last Updated: 2010/2/2
Commission on Aging
Minutes of Special Meeting
Monday, February 1, 2010

The Commission on Aging held a special meeting on Monday, February 1, 2010 at the Senior Center, 14 Riverside Road, Sandy Hook, CT. Chairman Thomas Dwyer called the meeting to order at 5:00 p.m.

PRESENT: Thomas Dwyer,   Karin Aurelia, LeReine Frampton, Barbara Wadleigh, Anna Wiedemann. EXCUSED: Mary Ellen Lydem, Norma Gray, Carol Mattegat. ABSENT: James Bernardi, Edward Rees. ALSO PRESENT:  Marilyn Place, Director of Senior Services, Ann Piccini, Director of Social Services, John Aurelia, member of the Senior Services Action Committee, one member of public (Bob Merola, 22 Ashford Lane).

CORRESPONDENCE AND ANNOUNCEMENTS. Mr. Dwyer noted that there have been changes in membership. Glenna Rees and Lenore Niedzielski are no longer members because their terms expired. Anna Wiedemann was moved up from alternate to a regular member. Carol Mattegat was appointed as a regular member though Barbara Wadleigh should have been moved up from an alternate member to fill this position. Mr. Dwyer will look into this and will report back to the Commission.

MINUTES  Mr. Dwyer noted that the combined building with Parks and Recreation is no longer on the table. Mrs. Place reported that the Board of Finance eliminated the item of a new building from the Capital Improvement Plan (CIP) and that she will request that a number be placed in the CIP next year in the fifth year as a placeholder for a new building. Also Mr. Dwyer noted that at the November meeting discussion of the four season room should be included under  Senior Center Expansion. Upon motion of Mrs. Aurelia, the minutes of the regular meeting of November 16, 2009 were unanimously accepted as amended.

Mrs. Place reported that the bids have come in for the four season room but she does not know the status.

TREASURER’S REPORT (Attachment A to original minutes). Mrs. Aurelia reported that the current balance in the Gift Fund is $34,366.95 and the Trip Account $1,919.00. Mrs. Place reported that she deducted the costs of the Christmas party as approved by the Commission on Aging from the Gift Fund Account and added the donations received of $1,270 (donations noted in Attachment A of the original minutes) to arrive at the current balance. She had requested that the Finance Department provide a current accounting of the Gift Fund Account for the next meeting.

DIRECTOR OF SENIOR SERVICES REPORT (Attachment B to original minutes). Mrs. Place will use the Senior Center van which seats 12 for trips to save on the cost of the bus and the driver. Mrs. Frampton noted that she has a spare bus that seats 44 that could be used on trips and she and Mrs. Place will coordinate the use of the bus.

Budget. (Attachment C to original minutes).Mrs. Place reported that her budget request for next year was reduced by $1,904 by the Board of Selectmen. However, the line item for Operating Expenses was reduced by $5,634 and she needs more money in that line item for the meal site. Mrs. Frampton noted that while the line item for Operating Expenses was reduced the line item for Administration was increased by almost $4,000. She asked Mrs. Place if the Financial Director moved an item from Operating Expenses to Administration. Mrs. Place does not know and will discuss this further with Mr. Tait.



TRIAD. Mrs. Place reported that there will be a conference in April with Attorney General Blumenthal and another at Southern Connecticut State University in the fall. Also an open house will be planned in the summer.

SENIOR CENTER EXPANSION. This item was discussed earlier.

NEW BUILDING. This item will be removed from the agenda as discussed earlier.


Mr. Dwyer asked Mrs. Place about the status of her request for a computer which she was going to put in her budget rather than requesting Gift Fund Account funds. She said that the IT Department plans to provide her with a computer but it may be a used computer.

ADJOURNMENT. Upon motion of Mrs. Aurelia, the meeting adjourned at  6:00 p.m.

Ann M. Mazur, Clerk